Nagaraj U

Innovative Full Stack Web Developer (MERN STACK) and App Developer (Flutter), with decent UI Design and Backend skills and experience in creating Responsive web applications with decent user interfaces. Currently pursuing my Bachelor degree in Information Science and Engineering from M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore, I have been working on several projects related to Deep Learning and Data Analytics.

Apart from these, I also good at the problem solving and having excellence certificate in competitive programming from Coding Ninjas.


Machine Learning
React JS & Redux
Data Science
Express JS

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant
Coding Ninjas
Feb 2021 - Currently
Worked as a teaching Assistant where my work include debugging code and helping peers to understand the problem logic related to Competitive programming . Rating 4.7 / 5
Data science and Business Analytics Intern
Sparks Foundation
Jan 2021 - March 2021
Worked as DSBA intern where I completed many tasks such as covid - 19 storyboard creation , Timeline Analysis , etc


B.Tech - Info Science Engg.
Ramaiah Institute of Technology
2018 - Currently
An undergraduate student at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. Currently I am in Third year Pursuing B.Tech degree in Information Science and Engineering.

CGPA : 9.52

Competitive Programming
Coding Ninjas India
Aug 2020 - Jan 2021
As a part of this course I learnt many interesting advanced algorithms in C++ and some new coding techniques, and ways to speed up the code using advance algorithms. Bit manipulation, modulo arithmatic, advanced graphs, fenwick tree, DP and Bit masking, Number theory, game theory, segment trees, computational geometry, fast fourier transform (FFT) and HLT are some of the many topics included.
The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
By - Angela Yu
This is Officially created Course in collaboration with the Google Flutter team. As a part of this course i learnt How to Build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase. And Build beautiful, fast and native-quality apps with Flutter. And Became proficient in one of the fastest growing technologies.
Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science
By - Kirill Eremenko
In this course I Learnt the basics of Data Science and tools used for it, such as Numpy, Pandas, CSV, Matplotlib, Also learnt various machine learning algorithms like linear regression, Multivariable regression, Gradient Descent, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Naive Bayes, KNN, SVM, Principal Component Analysis, Basics of Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks, Tensorflow, Keras, CNN, RNN, LSTM, Unsupervised Learning, GIT, Data visualization, Tableau, Feature Scaling, I also did some cool machine learning projects.
The Web Developer Bootcamp
By - Colt steele
As a part of this training program, I Studied the concepts of full stack web development, which includes Front end web development as well as back end web development.

  • Front End stack : HTML, CSS, JS
  • Backend Stack : ExpressJS, NodeJS
  • Database : MongoDB
  • Portfolio / Projects


    Get In Touch

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    Contact Information

    Bangalore India